Feels good to finally put out some new work. I'm excited to present my Summer 2020 earring collection (a little late!). With supplier delays and Covid safety, these babies took a little longer than anticipated.
Acrylics were something I had never intended on venturing in to, but after seeing a few notable people; Kylie, Lizzo, Iggy, Nikita, the list goes on and on (but a blog can only be so long) in my one acrylic earring offering, I figured it was a safe move.

This ten piece collection is a colorful mix of oversized classic RR motifs partnered with some adornments I've come to love. All are lightweight and designed with wearability in mind.
Model: Kennedy McClain
Makeup: Erika Guinn
Art Direction/Styling: Ana Victoria Ramirez
Photography: Pavielle Garcia